Qualifiers of the AEDin3 Challenge

The AEDin3 challenge, a groundbreaking initiative by University Hospitals, showcases an individual's ability to swiftly retrieve the AED, apply pads, and administer the first shock within 3 minutes. This challenge is not just about raising awareness, but about empowering you to bridge potential gaps in your Emergency Action Plan (EAP). It's about being prepared, whether it's understanding the need for a key card to enter the building or simply knowing the location of the nearest AED to the emergency.

Our commitment to the 'Anyone Can Save a Life' EAP extends to the AEDin3 Challenge, where we stress the importance of accessing an AED within 3 minutes. In the previous fall season, we made a significant discovery-student-athletes must be familiar with the locations and appearances of AEDs. This revelation underscores the necessity of planning, learning, and practicing emergency action plans with our student-athletes.

In addition to practicing the EAP and AEDin3 Challenge with the student-athletes, the coaches and I took part in the AEDin3 program created by Dr. Robert Flannery so that Grand Valley High School could apply for free AEDs. Dr. Flannery of University Hospitals recognized that many schools may not have AEDs accessible to student-athletes within 3 minutes during practices and sporting events. It's important to note that when an AED is delivered within 3-5 min to increase the survival rate. Every minute there is a delay, the survival rate drops by 10%. As the coaches and I practiced the AEDin3 Challenge (Spring of 2023) at different locations on Grand Valley's campus, we noted some shortfalls where an AED was further than 3 minutes away. The shortfalls occurred at various places on the cross-country course, the far end of the football practice field, and the community park in Orwell, where the soccer team practices and occasionally competes. Due to the shortfalls, Grand Valley qualified for three free AEDs. We have received two free AEDs so far, thanks to the AEDin3 Challenge and the coach's support. Frank Hall, athletic director, will decide how the two AEDs will be available: permanent wall location or portable AED with selected coaches.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Flannery and our esteemed donors and partners, the Cleveland Browns, MTKYN Foundation, Kaulig Companies, and Stryker Medical Devices, for their unwavering support of the AEDin3 program. Your contributions have not only made a significant difference in our emergency preparedness but also underscored the importance of community collaboration in ensuring the safety of our student-athletes.

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 Articled by Denise Fisher, Certified and Licensed Athletic Trainer for University Hospitals